Monday, July 16, 2012

Rear View Mirror

Rear View Mirror

Twist my neck and turn my head
I see behind me my life instead

I see my parents family that once was truth
Now, I see my children in their youth

My home is happy our lives are calm
Farewell tumults and constant storm

The waters here are peace
The looking back, has begun to cease

Joy strikes a resounding chord within my life
This life started the day I became a wife

I placed my journey within his care
I left a life torn with despair

How clearly can I see just now
This path behind me began with a vow

The rear view mirror proves the choice I made
It shows me the goodness and happiness laid

In every stone of life I've tread
I see, I feel, the life I've lead

Where there were brambles and trenches of malice
There are now petals and buds and a floral palace

Proof in petals of divine intervention
I left a structure stymied in contention

I see my life in this REAR VIEW MIRROR
Now, all of the sudden, my life is clearer.


  1. Come on, most folks don't start their Mondays like this? Pass the butter, write a stanza, where is the rasberry jam, edit, go brush your teeth, close your eyes and remember, .....

    Thanks Ally! xo

  2. Oh, and did you notice the shadow of a rear view mirror on my face? Come on, give it.

  3. Wisdom is priceless. Joyful.
