My wonderful husband and I were blessed enough to visit our temple here in Seattle this weekend.
And as I am 'wont' to do from time to bloggity time, I realized something.
I am a
I know it may seem more reverent or pious to keep my head bowed. Yet, during meetings and sometimes during quiet prayers, I look up. Everyone else is looking down. I look up.
I can't help it.
That is where the LIGHT IS
Am I in trouble? Should I be? It's in my nature to look to the light, yours too.
I LOVE the reflections, literally and figuratively. Light breeds light.
In our temples there are often chandeliers. They are the perfect symbol of that principle.
Reflect is a VERB. The crystal and glass reflect if filled and so do we.
If we are filled with the LIGHT.
It is my 'pinion that there is very little difference in
and in
Really, they are the same. We are suppose to LOOK UP for answers, inspiration, guidance, help, more understanding. It is much easier for us here on earth if we have the truth
Next time the sacrament is passed. Try looking up at the lights.
Recognizing the symbolic source of the literal LIGHT.
and then
AMEN! you are a gal after my own heart in SO MANY WAYS! now i just need to stop looking down (at my iPad) as i am also known to do rarely, but occasionally...shhhhh! love you mama.