They are not killers, come on....they all started out as cute little babies!!!
Don't be mad Adam is cuter than your kid, now.... :) Wasn't he adorable ????
I was recently sent a thoughtful warning about some rowdy wanna be gang members who traverse the Lake Wilderness trail lookin' for trouble, frankly, something to do and a way to be 'street'. It was kind of my friend to warn me about these 'rebels'. I don't go by myself anymore.
The last time I went on the trail I was with my dear friend Nicky H. It was directly after this warning of previous mischief being discovered. She and I passed a funny lot of kids that day, and everyone was 'suspect', we were ultra aware and on 'alert'. There were two 'poser' gangsta looking dudes who passed us with a sort of 'stink' in their eyes. I took out my switchblade and just tossed it back and forth from hand too hand, and looked them straight in the eye.
The message: I am not the one you want to pick. ---Pick Nick!---- No, ....LOL....
I think it has something to do with looking a victim. I don't look like a victim. I don't think.

The eldest mentioned, shared a story with me last summer. He and a few friends, who just happen to be African American, Hawaiian/Chinese and Samoan were at a drugstore. They were looking at the candy. ( Hello, have you met my Adam :)). A helpful 'worker' came up to them and said, "Okay, now...I don't want to get insistent here guys, but its time to take this 'activity' outside.".
Adam's only activity is to be a class clown and munch on anything made with sugar.
He has also mentioned that some female leaders at church give him a look when he is talking to his friends, who happen to be girls. Its a 'warning' look. Like he should back away s.l.o.w.l.y. cause' they know what he is thinking and what he wants and they are going to jump in between him and intervene. (Ahem, in the halls at church mind you... ) Emphasis on the word church.
I get it. I have some ferocious feelings about protecting my daughter. In fact, once when she was younger we were all at a playground together. This strange ill mannered boy, who had just hit his own mother looked at Lily and said, "I liiiike herrr".
I told Adam and Carter to make a 'man wall' every time that kid got near her. They did. It was fantastic, they literally 'linemaned' that dude away from her. Awesome.
However, now, that I have teenage boys I thought it might help ya'll to know these observations.
They are just children (immature though big)
They still hug and kiss their mother and little sister
They cry sometimes
They get their feelings all twisted up when someone is mean
They read scriptures and pray and serve
They do what we ask them to do in the house including scrubing toilets and reading to their sister, and playing Candyland with her and us.
They help me when I am sick
They say the sweetest things, that lift and bless
----and they are still a teeney bit scared of my "SNAP!"----
You know the one..... When they were little and their behavior was going to cause hurt or injury. I would snap my fingers loudly to get their attention. After the 'SNAP', they usually had some consequence or another. They hate the snot out of the 'SNAP'. Even now, if I snap at church, they sit up and look forward. Ask me sometime and I'll show you :)

Message is: teenage boys are just kids. Some of their friends are girls. They don't conceal malicious plans for 'conquest'. They are an 'entitiy' unto themselves, because they look adult, but still can't figure out how to 'channel' it all yet. Next time you see one, consider the option that they are kind and good and sweet and just children.
Unless you see one on the Lake Wilderness trail.
Then you betta
(P.S. One of my favorite new tricks, and my last leg of 'control' is the ability to drive a car. Adam, "I know....MOM....I know.... I pretty much know everything you know". "Oh, you do huh?, Can you drive on the freeway yet?". "No?"....... well, I win :)
~for now~
~for now~
Creepy story about that little boy, I will have to remember the lineman technique! Your boys are wonderful examples and I hope mine can be like that in a few years! And did you ever tell me you had a dog named Aspen?? I think I'm glad I didn't know that before I named her! But I do still love the name.