Saturday, July 9, 2011

MVBL Week 5 -Down 20- Through 20- and 'Waking up'

I keep having nightmares. Right before I wake up, I am arguing with my dreaming self. "No! I don't live there,... MY life is better than this! This is not my life!

I wake up and look at my room and listen for my kids being awake or not and inhale a deep breath of relief and exhaustion and toxic dreamy air.

No, 'that' is not my life anymore. So why am I dreaming all the darkness again? I think its because I am not covering and shoving and cramming it out of my mind with drug like food choices.


For every pound I lose I write an damaging memory and mentally let it go. I write the details, the feelings, the pain and then set it free. By doing so, set myself free.

So, at this point. I am free of 20 of 'those'. Goodbye dark demons of damage. Sorry to say I will not miss you creeping into my mind and smashing around with your mean spirited aim at my 'self concept' and sense of worth.


STUFF I'M STRESSING OVER= The issue of 'not enough calories' to lose weight. I have been told I am not consuming enough. I don't want to consume more. I am listening to my body and it doesn't want more. What should I do? I am under 1,000 a day. Only because I don't feel hungry. Well, except at night from like 10-12pm. But, I am not eating then.

STUFF I'M STRUGGLING WITH= Pain in my joints. I have woken up the last few days hurting in EVERY joint I have. Even before I get out of bed. When my day starts it is like there are rocks in my shoes and C clamps on my wrists. It just plain stinks. It seems to be getting worse because I am beating the heck out of my bod daily.

STUFF I'M PSYCHED ABOUT= Although, it is 'almost' impossible to get started exercising because it hurts like h^$*. After about 10 minutes into it I am finally feeling a 'shift' and I don't hurt as much. I feel better actually. I want to kill myself the next morning, but right after, I feel some better. Its not muscle soreness, mind, its my joints.

STUFF THAT'S CRACKING ME UP= Trying to walk down the stairs and not say, "ouch, ow, mommy, help me" after doing a major aerobic class. - That is funny old lady stuff. - My kids saying, "Mom are we ever going to drink juice again?" - Eating a handful of almonds and then looking for the calories and about passing out!- Dang it, there goes lunch! - How messy my house is. - I am focusing elsewhere....thus my household is a train wreck of clutter filled kid stuff.

And there it is.

I am hoping so much to look back at this blog with a healthy body and smile and say, "What was I worrying about that for?", "Relax deb...."You did it!"

I hope.


  1. Be sure to feed your body. What about brown rice with grilled chicken and zucchini for lunch and some almonds or wheat tortilla with peanut butter for an afternoon snack??? You have eat to keep your body working the way you want it to. Be sure to vary your exercise, so you don't beat up your body so much.

    Sending hugs your way! I'm proud of you! You're doing great!

  2. Thanks Angela. I do love me some chicken and brown rice, so much in fact I had some tonight! Great advice. I seem to be source wandering, but to hear from a real person and valued friend makes me feel like I am doing okay. Thank you for that.
