(told myself i would keep a 'public' record of the happenings in my effort at weight loss - thats why i keep writing about it - its an accountability thing - o.k.)
I played on my schools tennis team my freshman year and part of my junior year. I borrowed a racket from my mom's friend Glenn. It was a wood racket, probably 30 years old.
I still played. I stunk. But, I played.
I have always used the proverbial wood racket in most instances in life. My shoes especially. My athletic shoes have never fit me. I have freaky wide toes. When I walk or run the toes on my left foot hurt and go numb and keep me from going for more than an hour or so, without issues.
I have always bought my tennis shoes at Ross. They have either been too big, or too small, or something.. but alas, I have just always made due. They are at Ross for a reason, someone else already went, "Woah, these shoes hurt". Blisters, blisters and did I say blisters.
This week I went and had my feet checked. Turns out my right leg is shorter than my left. So the left foot is taking a beating.
So- I bought decent shoes. I feel reborn. Seriously, I am new. Woah, to the MAJOR difference!
If I just spent 600 on my car, can't I spend some sweet moola on my feet which I use all day and all night and in between? Justification, yep. Time for decent shoes. Overdue.
So, I am jogging again. Yep. Walking didn't feel fast enough, so off I went...
JOGGING! Awesome.
My calories have been too low actually. I haven't hit 1,000 even a day. What I'm afraid that has done is sort of 'frozen' my loss. My bod is rebelling, and holding tight because of the shock to my system.
This would normally freak me out. But, alas, I have traveled this road before many times and I know eventually, my bod will let it go....might take a couple weeks though.
I'm off now for a walky/joggy/runny trail deal. Try not to watch if you drive past okay :)
On to week 4!
PS. Our team won for the 2nd week in a row! Team Orange rocketh.
No need to even justify -- good shoes are a must! And woman -- eat enough calories please -- seriously!
ReplyDeleteIts truly strange Vick. I just have not been hungry. I feel like its a bit of a chore to eat. I am sure this feeling will subside and I will start craving everything under the sun. So, while, its here, I'm just gonna ride the wave baby, cause' I know there will be a riptide soon enough :)
ReplyDeleteShoes are EVERYTHING! I buy new ones at $110 a pair every six months. It is a must. It will save your feet and your knees and you need the right pair for you! Way to go! I am totally inspired by you! Have a great week.
ReplyDeleteI love, love, love my Brooks running shoes! Highly recommend them! Be sure you eat every three hours- even if it is just an apple with peanut butter, brown rice with grilled chicken, wheat tortilla with peanut butter, etc. Hang in there! You're doing great!
ReplyDeleteThats girls. Yea, my body froze on weight loss even though I excercised over 90 min a day, kept my diet CLEAN and have drank more water than an elephant in friggin africa...
ReplyDeleteThink my numbers will show up next week....
Thanks for the props girls!