Tuesday, March 1, 2011

Right through the middle......

Man, oh man am I great at finding 'detours'.

I mean it. I am a pro.

I can find a detour around most extreme difficulty. I'm a master avoider.

and yet...

What I am learning as I age is that sometimes the only way through the hardest things is


Its painful.

Its very close to unbearable.

but It can be done.

I am FINALLY learning that trials are easier to handle with help. We are stronger together. I always thought I was stronger alone. I am still fearful of 'together' but heading 'Right through the middle' alone is a lot more difficult than with others by your side.

Stopping this medication will cause me pain. It will also make me clearer and put my feet back on the ground. I need to risk it for now and pray I can bear it.

How wonderful it felt to share my lifelong health question and get so many kind and good and wise tidbits of advice and quality thought. I was very touched by them. I don't often open that private door and although I was keenly uncomfortable doing so. The sweetness of support and friendship made the burden truly 'lighter' and easier too.

"to comfort those that stand in need of comfort".

You all keep that promise.

I am thankful.

I was seriously lost on what I should do.

I am going to stop taking the medicine for a while and find my way out of this fog of crazy bloated distended confused coo coo pill poppin' because I simply can't stand it one more day.

I think this time instead of pretending to be 'super woman' in my 'heroic' privacy and pride and stubborn propensity for enduring alone,.... I'm planning on being 'real' and honest and its even possible I will ask for help. Although the thought of that makes me squirm.

I'm not as tough as I thought I was.

but I am going to just drive ahead RIGHT THROUGH THE painful, discouraging, depressing, stressful, agonizing, frustrating, tumultous MIDDLE......again.

because if I trust the Lord and believe him, I can.

With HIM, I can.

So here I go.


  1. You are brave, beautiful and strong... and putting yourself out there is a hard thing. I rarely ever put my struggles on my blog bc I am afraid my parents will read it. I like them to think that I am closer to perfect than I really am. I am always around (seriously I rarely leave my house) if you want to visit. Or sit and read Russian novels together... which reminds me... Have you read "A day in the life of Ivan Denisovich?

  2. Lean on your friends, lady. You've got 'em.

  3. You are one of the most amazing people I know. I am here for you no matter what.

  4. what a lift to start this day

    after spending a night with cold sweats and a pounding headache

    i needed these kind words in a desperate way

    i'm grateful

    honesty.....huh? not so bad after all :)

  5. No, No - Debi, you've got it all wrong! Being tough is doing the hard things. TOUGH is sticking it out and not being afraid. You are the strongest right now because you have the guts to try something that scares you. I know the Lord will lighten those burdens and lift you up! You are wonderful, Debi. And so very loved!
