Wednesday, February 23, 2011

Too look good or to feel good, THAT is the question.

Exclusive - Newsflash - Personal information on exhibit - Shield your eyes/plug your ears and cover your mouth as your jaw drops in affably indignant awe - - - - Please feel free not to deny yourself have a mini freak out on me folks.. do it... you will feel better.... okay, so your not going to do it right now...

Guess I Will

BUT LETS ENJOY THIS COMMERCIAL FIRST that we have both had a giggle....gotta love those white that cracks me up every time, okay...back to the divulging.....

Here goes.....

I am unwell.

There I said it.

I am.

I have a myriad of health issues that need not be named, for fear of you never returning to sacajaweasings from the 'TMI' gag reflex.

So I will spare you the details.



Here is my serious question.

Only chicks would understand.

Well, not exactly those kind of chicks. But, the ones who read this blog. My friends. My fellow uterus and ovary bearing - lipstick lacing - hair brushing - nail glossing- teeth flossing- shoe shopping friends......

Is it better to look good or to feel good?

If I take the medication I need to be well I look like, well....A VERRY FLUFFY VERSION OF DEATH

If I stop, I feel deflated, languid, fresh, clean even...

I feel like crap or I look like it

Only women would realize this is a volatile and viable question.
Men would quickly choose to feel good, duh....

Logic rules.


I miss my face.

I don't recognize myself in the mirror.

It makes me unbearably sad.


Seriously, ......what would you do?

Look good or feel good?

Please comment.


Lost in the layers


  1. You are beautiful in every single way! I love who you are! You are you, no matter what you look like. I wish you joy! I'm so sorry you are having to deal with this. If you ever need anything, please let me know, friend.

  2. Oh, that is too hard, Debi! I don't like those choices and I hope that a door #3 comes along soon. Laura is right - you're beautiful no matter what. Just like Sister Dalton's talk about "deep beauty" it shines through all the other junk that goes on in our lives. Hang in there. I'm cheering for you!

  3. come on.... now i'm in tears

    you ladies are kind

    thanks for the sweet words

  4. Sweet Debi-

    You're your wonderful you no matter how you look. God loves you, your family loves you, and your friends love you regardless of your appearance. Health definitely wins over appearance every time.

  5. my heart hurts for my amazing friend. you are beautiful in side AND out. i love you NO MATTER WHAT!!! and i'm here for you soul sistah.


  6. ...Everyone who knows you is dazzled by your beauty Ms Deb.

    That said, I also understand how little our perception helps you with your predicament. So I put this to you: When you aren't on your meds does it affect your ability to be the person we all know and love? Because while I'm a big fan of feeling healthy, I also know it's hard to really feel good if you hate the way you look.

    I say if being on the meds is what's needed to keep your personality intact, STAY ON THEM. Otherwise I say ditch em and get your feel goods from the mirror. :) Either way, go see a naturopath and start looking for alternative solutions. There's GOT to be one out there.

    I really love you.

  7. You are awesome no matter what...
    Hugs to you

  8. I've got so much to comment on this one...yes, too much. I'll have to talk to you in person. That said, it will take me years and years and wrinkles and spots and rolls to get as beautiful as I can vouchsafe aspire to be.

  9. Am still in pray and ponder mode.

  10. Mom said...Thursday, March 3, 2011

    Debi, thank you so much for this beautiful presentation, I love them all, but the children and the art are always special.

    I have had to take prednisone over the years so many times. I do not take it now. If you are taking it now and it is "messing" up your system, it is always better not to have to take cortisone, baby. Come down off it very slowly, don't think about it,just slowly and see how you do at each and every level. This drug can do a lot of damage as well as be there when you really need it! I would come off it, slowly, and not worry about it. If the difference begins to become too apparent, take it longer at that level, you may find out that you actually need it at a certain level. Don't be afraid, honey, it will be easier than taking the drug, to not take the drug. I have had so much of it I can not take it anymore and that is serious for me sometimes. Take as little as you can and feel good and not be getting sick, if you can come all the way off. Great!

    The beauty stuff, you have experienced something almost none of has, what it feels like to be stunningly beautiful in this life, stunning! So, you will never just be normal like the rest of us, you will always be, in the very least bracket, beautiful. Keep your body clean and soft, bubble baths, enjoy being a girl, with or without predisone. Use make up and jewelry and clothes and do your "do" as you use to say! So funny. Debi, you have never been vain, that is the real problem here. Come down off the medication a little at a time and let your body adjust, and GET VAIN! The rest of us have to really work to look good! Gees! I love you, Mom
