Sure, there is advice ad nasuem about what to do with your life. Been there, read that, probably wrote some of it too :) This post is about the decisions I regret from time to time. The ones insignificant and yet, present enough to irk me almost daily. Had I known better, I probably would not have done...... ~ wait~...... I take it back.... I still would have had to find out for myself. If you are lazy and don't want to do it the hard way, then I suggest you read these:
I know when you have the pretty polish shining, and a nice pedicure it seems contraindicated to sport a few hairs on your big toe. Frankly, they clash with the aforementioned girlishness of perhaps, glitter or even flower decals. However, and I beg you, DO NOT shave the few hairs on your big toe. You will find regret in the form of a ape like proliferation in the future. Just trust me on this one.
I thought it charming and cozy to match my towels to every bathroom in my house when I was 25. Yes, I hung a few 'display' towels back in the day, which, frankly crack me up now. I was married in the era of 'jewel tones', emerald green, ruby red, and sapphire blue decor.
Now I wish I had only EVER purchased WHITE.
I would love a linen closet filled with the exact same color. White. I could then bleach to my hearts content and feel certain I would not ruin a thing. As it stands, I am still choosy in the extreme about my towels. Mostly, it is a smell qualifier, but I also infinitely prefer a white towel that smells of hard bleach. If I had it to do again.....
I would only buy white.
I have also kept too much wedding fodder for too long. It has taken me almost 2 decades to realize that just because it is expensive does not necessarily mean I love it or even like it. Don't cling to 'stuff' or display stuff just because it is costly. Who cares if its displayed or stored safely, if it doesn't truly speak to you and make your space lovely or inspired.
I remember literally putting everything we got after we were married in the 'knick nack' category on one shelf!
The very idea of that, makes me want to poke my eyes right out of my head.
Why did I do that? Because it was m.i.n.e. Silly, silly display dysfunctional girl.

The singular and new and deeply comforting experience of sleeping next to someone else for the first little while was remarkable to me. Remarkably contented yet remarkably sleep deprived. Every time Marc moved, I woke up. Every time I woke up my neck was 'cricked' and stuck in 'slept on chest' position. Sleeping next to Marc was like snuggling up with a V8, dude sleeps HOT.
I happily endured MANY years of the midnight snore/heat/locked neck shuffle.
Until the day I just couldn't. So I didn't. I went to the other side of the bed and got some serious sleep. Baby, I love me some good sleep.
Now, its cuddle, huddle, cuddle, huddle, BREAK~ go to your opposite corner....SLEEP
The vista's,......that is where LIFE actually IS.
I would do better at this one thing for sure.
but....I am fond of driving :)
It is interesting to me that I keep coming back to myself.
I keep arriving at the same conclusion.
The conclusion: I should have trusted myself more. I should have owned my identity more.
I should have let go of trying so dang hard, and just allowed ideas to come to fruition on their own.
They do.
I think the not shaving the toes is still viable advice you should consider,
unless you want to remember to shave them the rest of your life.
Imagine yourself in retirement with giant bushy toe hair....
I know.....gew
I might not be right about the rest, but about the
Editors Note ~ Those are NOT m.y. TOES above.... N.O.T.
Love love love this. Much needed today. Thank you for sharing your wisdom and the sketchy toe pics. :)
ReplyDeleteNote: The last photo is not of MY toe. Sheesh. Grossola.
ReplyDeleteMy friend made fun of me for not shaving my toe hair, I'm glad I never gave in after seeing your last photo:).
ReplyDeleteLove you,
I like how you're always changing your backgrounds. I totally love this post EXCEPT... I'm pretty sure it's age and hormones, not whether or not you shave an area, that makes the hair grow thicker and darker... or at least that's what I'd like to believe since I've been shaving my toes longer than I can remember! So glad to know that's not your toe. It looks pretty manly.
ReplyDeleteMs. M. ~ I'm jazzed you are going to the girls weekend. We will finally have a decent conversation. I think we will be fast friends.