Sunday, June 12, 2011

"I've got my bus pass and my sandwich..."

True greatness, does not come in the driveway filled with sports cars and luxury boats, grand vacations or season tickets. Not to me anyway, not to Mrs. Marc Reeves. That's me, and I am so proud to be.

I married the single sweetest man on the planet. I really did. So sorry to take him off the market for the rest of you, but he is MINE. All mine!

Our life together started almost 20 years ago. This fall will be 20 years since we met and began... As I reflect on that I can't help but smile and truth be told, I still get those butterfly thingies that float around the chest and make you feel like you just swallowed an entire bubble bath, every time I think of him.

Marc took a temporary gig selling solar powered device chargers for Goal Zero at Costco. Yep, we are there. Just trying to keep our heads above water. Gulp.

We now have one car. Which has cost us $600.00 this week to repair. Ugh and a big fat O.U.C.H. His last job provided a car, so we were spoiled into one car payment.

With the one car, life can be extremely tricky. Accepting this job which is far away, has meant that we are doing a ridiculous amount of juggling between end of the year kids events and programs and activities etc..

Marc bought a bus pass.

To save some headache, I dropped him off at the transit center so he could catch a connection to this job. Selling is against Marc's very essence. He hates selling anything with a vehemence only comparative to the likes of say... " an inexperienced proctologist".

Before he walked away, I kissed his face and told him I adored him and cast my worries over him as to his ridiculously long day and his needs.

He said, "I'm good, I've got my bus pass and my sandwich."

I can't begin to even try to share ALL the times this man has done this kind of thing for us. I can't. However, as this is a sort of 'family journal' , I want this written record so when he is 80 I can read it to him. I want to read it to his children and grandchildren to remind them and him what a great man he was when things were tough. :)

I can't tell you how many times:

Marc has been up before the sun working on everything....including baby bummies, scouts, his career, his church jobs, extra time on household projects, helping kids with early morning sports/music/seminary, volunteering on hundreds of things. First one there, last to leave Reeves.

Marc has given up what he wanted to someone else. The good piece, the biggest piece, the best seat, the shady spot, the biggest towel, the cleanest one, the non-squished one, the not bruised one, the cozy spot, the dry spot, the warmest coat, the best pair of gloves, the coveted place by the fire, the best of everything...

Marc has listened to those no one will listen to. He offers this concernedly. He wants to be kind and helpful. Aware that few others are willing to listen and take time, he intently listens and loves. He is available to just hear you, when most others never take the time to offer themselves in that way.

Marc has done without. Without new anything, EVER, while his daughter is dancing in a new costume on stage, his son is wearing Nike cleats on the offensive line, his wife buys a new outfit, his son rents a trumpet, his daughter gets the cotton candy at the fair, his son plays electric guitar, his wife goes to the beach, his son has the new church pants and tie.....and on and on and on

Marc has been stronger than everyone else. He just keeps trying saying, "I'm just doing what I can." "I will just hang on a little longer." "I'll be fine, you go ahead." "I'm not leaving until its done right." "I'll be last"

Greatness in men can be measured. Greatness in the souls of men cannot. I believe what the scriptures say about how "The first shall be last and the last shall be first". When earth life is all said and all done....

Marc will be in the front of the line.

He has his bus pass and his sandwich.


  1. That's some good guarding, lady. I might just have to trade Tom in.

  2. You and Marc have ALWAYS inspired me. I chuckled at him saying he's good, he's got his bus pass and a sandwich. I love people who see the positive!! He doesn't have a bad bone in his body. You're a strong family. If anyone can conquer this can!! We're praying for you!! Just don't forget to make some good sandwiches for that man! =D

  3. Debi!

    I love you AND Marc so much. What an amazing post. You are an incredible writer--seriously, you could make a million dollars writing a book! And Marc is so good. As you described him as always letting others go ahead of him, I thought, I am the person who's throwing elbows to get the drink first, the biggest piece, etc. It made me want to change. Thanks for inspiring me! David read it to all of us at Dinner and everyone cried.
    Also, congrats on 7 good days. You've inspired me! I have been addicted to sugar lately, and so I think I'll join you! It takes me a few weeks to get free of this beast, but I feel so much better when I am in control of my food instead of letting it control me!
    Hope you're having a good day! Love you!

  4. Debi,
    I wrote a post the first time I read the post about Marc, I was really affected by your comments. Glenn walked in just as I was posting them and I guess something did not go through, I am sorry, because I don't know how to say again what I did before. But, I'll try.

    Remember the first time I saw Marc, coming off the plane with his golf clubs. It scared me to death when I realized that my daughter was really connected to this person, but then, in about a minute I just loved him so very much. How much the two of you have given of yourselves in this world and to have your beautiful, wonderful family. Marc is one of the few people I trust on this earth. Many times, when I am not sure what to do I have asked his advise and he has always given me the right answer, everytime, time has proven the righteousness of this man, his honor and his judgment. There is no one like Marc Reeves, no one. I love it that he is such a wonderful and dear friend to you and how he sticks by you, I really have never seen this before, not like this. Marc's mother told me once before you married that I did not ever have to worry about Marc mistreating you, that he was her child and she knew him well. She explained to me what a special person he is and how proud of him she was, she again promised to me that Marc would always stand by you and I would never have to fear when it came to your life. She was so right. I have never seen such sweetness and kindness toward correcting his children. He is so loving in every situation. His love for you is the most amazing love I have ever seen between two people. It was not easy for me to get use to you loving someone so very much, but over time I have learned, who Marc is and why you love him so much. He is the best of men! As I read your comments tears poured down my face. The two of you, above all others, with all the right decisions you have made and the way you conduct your lives before and after marriage, it just doesn't seem fair that you are having another test like this one. You both have already sacrificed so much for your family and others. But, sometimes we do not understand what is God's will when it is happening to us, only when we look back do we understand why we had to endure that situation. Maybe Marc is suppose to meet someone or learn something or have a beginning to a new life in a new field, I certainly don't begin to understand but with all my heart I wish him well. I love him dearly, with all my heart and soul, this beautiful man you brought into my life and I know he does without, always, in preference to those he loves. He is very intelligence, so calm, so kind and truely the best listener and caring person I have ever known. Never a conflict, or upset. He is part of my family and the father of my grand children and in that I am truly blessed amoung all others. I love you, Marc. I bet you did not know that, huh? But, I have loved you since you took me to see Debi that day at Belks, I did not want to ever be without you in my life. You are very dear to me, now anyone on the planet that gets me to say those words has to be someone very special. With all my love and God Bless. I love you Debi and all that you are and all that you do.Such beauty, such reaching out to life in the most extraordinary way, your joy expressed. What complete joy you have brought to me in my life. My little girl, so sweet and so loving, how you love your sister so touches my heart. You and Marc mean everything to me and Glenn has so much respect for Marc and all he does in caring for you and the children. We are very lucky people that Marc and his family are part of who we are. Thank you, Marc for everything you do. Mom
