He has loved me when I was:
......terrible at balancing a checkbook-complaining about my hair for the zillionth time-feeding him burned pie crust-getting stretch marks from babies-never adding the new role of toilet paper to the roll, but just setting it on the counter-when i was breastfeeding in the night and smelled like sour milk-when i drug all his scuba gear under the truck and down the block and ruined everything-when i turn on the fan at night even in the winter-having anxiety attacks about leaving our kids, when i was diagnosed with lupus and we realized what that mean for our family,when i harp on his pruning because i like plants to be wild, when i changed from 'lets have fun' debi, to 'lets just get through this day' debi, when i developed age spots and freckles and spotty skin from years of too much sun, when i have let the laundry pile so high you have to hike up and around, when i brought 16 preschool age kids into our home and 'tornado' our life, when i just could not pull out any more patience for 'tweenagers', when i was sassy and proud, when i was lazy boned and just read books and made my fam eat cereal instead, when my nose grew during pregnancy (seriously there are photos), when my closet seemed ridiculous and i still bought shoes, when i was needy and naggy (two things I SWORE I would not do), when i make waves with other people, when i am careless when he would be careful, when i am ill and can't, when i tease him and prank him and pinch his parts, when i never iron his dress shirts, when i pine over not being by the sea(again), when i stay up all night reading a book and am useless the next day, when i paint his toenails on april fools day, when i make him do the gross stuff like steam cleaning puke, picking up dog doo, and wiping up major spills, when i don't let him get a word in edgewise, when i obsess about ridiculum, when i tell him to turn on his side because he is snoring, when he gets in the car and there is no gas, when i ask for help dealing with everything all the time, when we watch the drama instead of the action movie.
ALL of that.
For 20 years on the 12th.
I believe him.
I know he loves me.
What a thing to CELEBRATE!!!
Happy Anni babe. I LOVE YOU SO...

ReplyDeleteWow, 20 years, happy anniversary!!
20 down, eternity to go :-) Congratulations to both of you!
ReplyDeleteWHAT? Do you mean 20 years since your first date? It must be that! What a wonderful tribute. You guys are the greatest couple! I am so happy that you found each other, and Deb, that you saved his life! You are both amazing. Steffani