I need the world to understand. I need to speak and be heard. I need the uninformed to get it and stop it. This is what I need:
For everyone who I know TO KNOW- that I believe in Jesus Christ.
He is the single reason for every good and worthy and beautiful aspect of my existence.
Him. Alone.

The 'hulubaloo' about Mormon.org and the "I'm a Mormoness" is produced for this single reason: to let the world take in what is REAL
Mormon people base their lives on the teaching of Jesus Christ
This Mormon woman only survives each day holding on to His truth.
I need Him. I worship Him. I want to be like Him. I am indebted to Him.

In today's world would it be acceptable and tolerated for anyone to accost a Muslim and suggest to that person that they do not believe in Muhammad? No? How about a Buddhist? "You don't believe in Buddha". "I know because MY preacher told me so"...
Sound absurd? Yup.
It is.
So, WHY oh WHY is it okay for anyone else but a M.O.R.M.O.N. allowed free commentary on what I BELIEVE. Ask me! I am a Mormon. I am not at all afraid of sharing the feelings and witnesses of my life that establish and found my belief in the Savior, Jesus Christ.

This morning, I prayed. I asked what I should blog about. This was it.
My heart literally sings within my chest with beautiful arias of certainty. I close my eyes and profoundly know I am following the exact and perfect path back to my Heavenly Father.
I know it. I AM IT.
I am not perfect. However, I KNOW who is, and I'm keeping stride as best I can every, every, every day.
He is perfect. I am a Mormon and KNOW what I believe.
I believe HIM.
absolutely now I feel!! You say it so beautifully. The words I have been wanting to share for a couple weeks now and couldnt figure out how to say it. :) Thanks Debi.